Switch on your TV on a Sunday morning and tune in to any station
and you will be bombarded by what is commonly reffered to as Church TV.Well,if
you don’t know what that is then you either not watching TV as much as you
should or you are an early riser who goes straight to church without
flipping through channels on TV.
The good thing about church TV is that it comes in handy for
spiritual nourishment for those who cannot make it to church either because
they are sick/bedridden, those who are in areas situated far from physical
church houses, those who are nursing hangovers not to mention guilt from the
previous night's nocturnal activities and the lazy bones who need prodding to go
to church etc.
I sometimes find myself in one if not all of such scenarios
on a Sunday morning and I resort to seek spiritual refuge in church TV. This
particular Sunday, TV remote in hand, I flipped through the channels and came
to one conclusion... {some}Televangelists are such vultures!
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Pastor Ng'ang'a who was recently busted drunk as a fish! |
MPESA, Orange Mobile, YU Cash, Airtel Money mobile numbers
flash on the TV screen like disco lights as the preacher guy does his thing. He/She
will stop mid-sermon and remind you to plant/sow a seed of faith for you to
receive your miracle. He will point out the numbers currently displayed on the screen
{..even with live TV he/she will trust the video editors to include the ‘magic
numbers’…} that will ensure a smooth highway for your prayer request to reach
the intended recipient {God}.
Infact there is one preacher dude {*name withheld*} on
Kenya’s premier broadcaster who is notorious for asking viewers to “panda
mbegu” {sow a seed of faith} before jumbling up all the letters of the alphabet
and proclaim that you will receive your miracle in the coming week. Thus, he
will go, “If your name starts with the letter “K” you will receive your miracle
this week, “If your name begins with letter “S”,”Q”,”B” your prayers will be answered,
just send your seed to the numbers on your screen,”..and on and on. By the time
he is done, he has dictated A to Z all jumbled up! How cunning,right?You can
now imagine all those believers who don’t see through this religious fraud but
rather wait for the alphabet denoting their names and then scroll through their
phone menus and as ‘instructed’ and sow their ‘mbegu’..
To cement their ‘miracle performing prowess’ they have a
stable of false witnesses with sweet tongues. I gotta hand it to these
characters for their unflinching lying ways in front of the pulpit; it takes
big {balls} to pull such stunts while calling on the name of The Most High!They will proclaim as to how they had chronic illnesses that were somehow wiped
away when they ‘sowed a seed’ as per the pastor’s directive.
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The unsuspecting believers who cling on to the pastor's every word. |
How about those other characters who will answer to alter
calls only for them emerge from the crowd acting all demon possessed, screaming
in tongues not understood by you and me, throw themselves on the ground, feet
kicking, mouth foaming and making grunting noises? A few minutes later after
being ‘cleansed’ they will wave to the crowd and testify while thanking the
pastor for ‘delivering’ them.
This reminds me of an African American comedy I once watched
called Hustle .Well, the plot of the movie revolved around two friends in the
hood who decide to escape from the rigors of poverty and menial jobs to
masquerade as pastors at a local church following an idea they got from
watching a televangelist who seemed to be getting major pay by preaching water
but drinking wine{if u know what I mean}.They even bestow on themselves the
powers of healing the lame, sick and the blind which they perform albeit
hilariously. Things look good for them and they rake in good money from their
loyal faithful until their crazy antics backfire on them and they are
discovered for the fraudsters that they are.
Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in miracles and the
existence of a higher power that controls our destiny as human beings; that’s
why some phenomenon on this earth cannot be explained even by the best of human Medula Oblangata {read brains} on planet earth.
Call me a religious skeptic but I am so content with my
spirituality. I put God first in everything I do and He has remained faithful
as per the good things that He has provided for me thus far. It’s the kind of
hypocrisy and opulence that I have seen among the men of clothe that makes me
take an arm’s length approach to church affairs. Catch me dead allowing a false
prophet to lay his hands on me.
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Even political leaders resort to spiritual help in turbulent times. |
In one of my work engagements, I accompanied a senior
government official to an opening ceremony for a week-long church conference in
Nairobi, Kasarani area. The conference drew some of the major evangelical
pastors from the country and each came dressed to impress, with designer suits
and colognes to boot. The state of the art cars parked at the church’s parking lot,
you would think it was a car bazaar. That notwithstanding, each pastor tried to
outdo each other with impressive ‘spiritual vocabulary’ when given the mic at
the podium.
But what stood out that day was the ‘message’ from the main
preacher of the day. His preaching was centered on the hypocrisy of Christians and
fake pastors who use the pulpit to propagate their own selfish interests to enrich
themselves. The sermon to say the least was intriguing as each declaration was
punctuated by loud “Amen{s}” and “Halleluiahs” from the ardently listening worshipers.
All was well until the pastor appeared to shoot himself in
the foot as he was concluding his sermon by telling the congregation that he
came with bottles of anointing oil which he had personally blessed. He then
testified at the wondrous things that have happened to his congregation who had
used the anointing oils. He said each of the bottles –that had been
strategically been placed at the church entrance – was going for Ksh 1000!
The ‘man of God’ did not stop there, he went on to advertise
his monthly church magazine but not before distributing brochures of an upcoming
prayer convention at his church that he
promised would be a miracle galore.
The Holy Bible has taught us never to rebuke believers or to
question God’s work. I am not trying to do that either. What I am against is
the blind way Kenyans follow false preachers without raising eyebrows lest they
be labeled blasphemous. It is precisely this kind of ignorance that continues
to relegate believers into poverty as their spiritual leaders continue living
lavishly in up market hoods. It is the same believer who will come to church by
faith to pray for a job that he doesn’t have in the first place but still be
asked to sow a seed from the meager resources that he has{doesn’t have}. He/She
will probably would have walked to the church for lacking bus fare. He/She will pin down
his head again in faith and ask God to ‘onekania’ {reveal Himself} his
At the end of the service, the pastor, his wife and kids
will get into their state of art fuel guzzler and zoom past the believer as he
treads his way back home hoping to receive his miracle having ‘planted a seed’.
I could go on and on…..but I don’t want to write a book..Hmm..Maybe
I should..
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{1-4.}The Opulence of Kenyan Televangelists {Rev & Mrs.Cathy Kyuna's empire} |
Just remember, there is no better time than God’s timing;
patience is also a virtue that if incalcultated is bound to bring good returns in
the long run. Beware of false prophets-these are the end times!
The Scribe Rests his Pen
the truth in this shines bright.
ReplyDeleteIn the last days, there will be wolves in sheepskin, false prophets who will not withstand the test of fire, deceiving the flock. Yet when Christ ascends back, to set kingdom, many will call him, Lord, Lord, did we not preach and baptize in your name. He will say, depart from me evil doers, who did not feed the hungry and heal the sick - in other words, meet the needs of the needy. We have failed to learn from the old testament, false prophets v. Elijah. In the new testament, we are warned, not to sell or profit the works of God - miracles. Free have we received, free are we to give. Quite a contrast, Peter, Paul, John (other disciples) did not own mansions, villas, ships/planes/cars, travelling on public means (shipwrecks) to Rome and Greece, losing wealth (Zachaeus) to serve the poor. Christ was homeless, thus is the greatest philosopher EVER. Money (corruption) is the root cause of the church disintegration.
ReplyDeleteIndeed Untonyto ..and it this truth that will set us free!@Anonymous, u have summed it up so well..most of these religious frauds sell their souls to the devil in the pursuit of material wealth at the expense of their flock.Modesty and humbleness in the call for saving souls for Christ ceased to exist in modern-day Christianity *SMH
ReplyDeletewell said, the oxymoronic nature of large, opulent church buildings next to sprawling shanty semi permanent houses....i dont know if its actually an oxymoron or a poster for idiosyncratic nature of human beings..well written and thought provoking.
ReplyDeleteINDEED Martin,these are the end times!
ReplyDeleteII Timothy 3:1-5,7 READS "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
#Signs that the end is near,dont u think?Thanks for visiting the site.Keep reading.{u can join the site here and on -FB/Twitter btw}
I agree with brother, Raymond
ReplyDeleteleave servants of God alone, u never called any mind ua own bussina
ReplyDeleteI believe in prosperity because the word says that in 2Corinthians 9:8-10 though christ was rich yet for our sake he became poor so that out of his poverty we might be rich.But probably i might differ with the some of the stardands which does not potry true religion of helping windows and orphans
ReplyDeleteGod is an abstract idea that needs human spirituality to give it life
ReplyDeleteThey are already living in their paradise.