Peculiarly, “accept and move on” has caught on like a case
of a persistent bad flu in every basic framework of our existence as Kenyans.
It is sad when you think about it that we have been relegated into a cosmetic
society that is resigned to admitting to and swallowing lies and innuendos as
gospel truths. We have become accustomed to a way of thinking fanned by
fallacies and perceptions. In essence, we have created a society where human
relations have been cosmeticised to the extent that we hide behind the veil of
false pretenses when in real sense we are an oppressed society.
The current generation of Kenyans is living in cosmetic
peace as injustices are perpetuated left right and centre by powers that be.
Civil Society groups and individuals who question the status quo are more often
than not deemed rebellious since they do not want to ‘tow the line’. It is such
a shame that when one is considered to be going against the grain of what
clearly is not just they instantly become the black sheep of society. This is
because the expected end result is always “accept and move on” and nothing less.
Humor-Kenyan Style |
It is an open secret that Kenya is a tribal nation. Consider
this; every week we sit down in our living rooms and laugh our heads off
watching ‘rib cracking’ comedy shows on TV whose skits are predominantly tribal.
Our comics more often than not base their material on voice distortions and
cliché tribal stereotypes that we find funny though in a condescending kind of way.
Beneath the hearty laughter, we (some of us)consider ‘our tribe’ superior and harbor
ill feelings towards ‘other’ tribes .This always comes to the fore during politically
charged environments where we recline into our tribal cocoons for ‘security’.
When put to task to explain why this is so, we become defensive and ask those
questioning our intent to “accept and move on”.
Recent happenings have seen our women humiliated by being
undressed in public in broad daylight by barbaric male chauvinists who believe
they can do as they wish since they consider their morality as being beyond reproach.
Despite the succeeding street demos and parliamentary debates on appropriate
punitive laws, the stripping never ceased as these criminals forged ahead by
gaining support from other likeminded, morally corrupt foes to perpetuate the
crime. Women (and men) who raised their voices were told to shut up and ‘dress
up’ if they did not want to meet the same fate. A hawk eyed walk down the
streets of Nairobi will reveal to you that most womenfolk have “accept(ed) and
move(d) on” adorning below the knee skirts and less revealing clothing to the
satisfaction of the oppressors.SMH!
Fmr.Internal Security CS Joseph Ole Lenku |
The spate of killings in the country fanned by extremists
and radicalized youths has seen the country lose hard working Kenyans who in
one way or the other were the fulcrums of their families existence.
Notwithstanding the grief by their families, the Government in its pursuit of
these criminals has fed the public a lot of hog wash (remember the WestGate
‘burning mattresses’ explanation?SMH).It has become a norm that in times of
crisis, the public craving information will look for plausible cause and
direction from the Government.Sadly,the information from the state has been
wanting in most occasions. The Government PR machinery has let Kenyans down a
great deal as they ridicule and play with the intellect of the nation on
matters of National concern. The PResident himself in his well written speeches
has fallen short of telling Kenyans “accept and move on” when questioned on
very mundane issues to do with security.
Shut up! "Accept & Move on?" |
The Kenyan media has also failed us as a nation by
misreporting facts and playing to the pipers tune. Many are the times that we
are given lop sided news stories and features. Gone are the days when
journalists presented facts and sought truths beyond the second side of the
story. It is common place for journalists to shift from a prevailing/developing
story to a Breaking News which in essence relegates the former into oblivion
most of the time.Peculiary,Kenyans forget an incident so long as it is out of
the media(public discourse).We suffer a serious case of selective amnesia?Once again>>> “accept and move on”!!
I could go on and on with this but what is clear is that we
are a volatile nation on the brink of repulsive eruption IF we do not change
the “accept and move on” mentality. Sweeping our ‘rubbish’ beneath the carpet
only serves to procrastinate our woes. One day, the stench from the carpet will
come back to haunt us. The buck stops with me and you .It takes individual and
collective effort to seek conclusive redress on issues within our control. It
would be sad for a beautiful country like Kenya to go back to scenes akin to
2007 PEV.Let us shun mediocrity and say no to “accept and move on”
The Scribe Rests his
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